The Art of Hemolysis
Red is such a pretty color... unless it tinges the serum or plasma of the specimen you collected. Then it’s ugly. It’s ugly because it...

15 Best Jobs You've Never Heard Of
Check out US News's article about 15 of the best jobs you've never heard of. Discover these awesome, lesser-known careers in technology,...

Reducing Phlebotomy Pain and Anxiety
Last month we got curious about pain and anxiety. Researchers are reporting a dramatic increase in the number of needle-phobic patients...

Phlebotomist sued for allegedly injuring nerve in woman's arm while trying to draw blood
A Louisiana patient is suing for damages allegedly sustained during a routine venipuncture. According to an online article from the...
Pre-analytic errors: Blood-Collection Errors and Their Impact on Patients
There are many details that are critical for every venipuncture. In this post, we connect the dots between pre-analytical errors and...
Phlebotomy's Seven Deadly Sins
Drawing blood is serious business. When performed incorrectly it’s not only a shame, it can be deadly. Consequences for deviating from...

Ten Things Not to Say to Your Patients
1. You have rolling veins. When a vein “rolls” it’s not the patient’s fault. It’s usually because the vein wasn’t properly anchored in...
Best Practices in Tube Handling
Handling all the threats to blood-sample integrity is an enormously complex undertaking. Human blood is complicated. We’ve been studying...
Study: Single-Drop Test Results Not Reproducible
Phlebotomists: Your job isn't in danger anytime soon! Read on... A study recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology...
Preanalytical Errors: real people real suffering
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